Botswana measures 581,730km2 and has a population of around 2 million, making it a country with one of the lowest people densities in the world.
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Kenya has a land surface area of 581,834 km 2 and about 8% of the Kenya’s land mass is protected area for wildlife conservation.
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Malawi has a land surface area of 118,484 km 2 and a population of around 13 million people.
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Mozambique has a surface area of 801,537km2 of which an impressive 131,367km2 is made up of conservation areas which represents 16,38% of its land.
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Namibia has one of the lowest population densities on the planet. There are only seven countries out of 242 in the world ranked lower but are either islands or complete desert. With only 3 people per square kilometre the population of 2 million people over a surface area of 825,118 km2 makes this fascinating country a particularly rich wilderness region.
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Rwanda is often referred to as Africa’s miracle country. With a relatively small surface area of 26,338 km2 and population of over 10 million it has established itself as a peaceful nation and one of the safest destinations in Africa to view the Mountain Gorilla.
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Seychelles is an island country spanning an archipelago of 115 islands in the Indian Ocean, some 1,500 kilometres (932 mi) east of mainland Africa, northeast of the island of Madagascar.
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South Africa
South Africa has a surface area of 1,220,813km2 of which a large percentage is made up of National, Provincial and Private Protected areas.  
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Tanzania has a surface area of 945,203km2 and with National Parks and game reserves covering an estimated 101,620km2 around 10,75% of the country is protected area and as much as a total of 20% falls under some form of land under conservation.
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Zambia’s surface area is 752,612 km2 and has 19 National Parks which protect 6,4% of the country, Game Management Areas protect a further 15,6% and Forest Reserves around 7,2%. This adds up to an impressive total of 29,2% falling under some form of protection status.
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Zimbabwe covers 390,757 km2 and has 10 National Parks, nine recreational Parks, four botanical gardens, four safari areas and three sanctuaries which collectively cover an area of around 47,000k km2 representing around 12,5% of the country.
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